Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Years Resolutions - 2012

So I know I'm starting this a bit later than January 1 but, I'm in India! My official new year starts when I get back to the states on Monday, January 16...

This is my wholehearted, genuine attempt to make good on a commitment to myself in 2012. It's actually unusual that I set "new years resolutions" in a formal way but I decided that maybe this year should be different. You'll learn as I continue to blog that I'm currently in business school. While I've refused to gain the "freshman 15" all over again (in undergrad I may have gained a bit more than 15) I continue to keep a bit of post wedding weight that I'd like to get rid of. Hey, I am in college again, after all!

So, first things first - what I'm to be accountable for in the first quarter of 2012:

Goal 1: Lose 20 lbs. before March 31 (which happens to also be the date of my sister's wedding - in which I am the Maid of Honor)

Goal 2: Allow only 1 can of diet soda per day by March 31

Goal 3: Work lotion and moisturizers into my day-to-day life in order to take better care of my skin (I know, I know, this should be a no-brainer but I need help!)

I want to keep a journal of my progress and successes as I make this journey - eating well, being active and just taking good care of myself. I plan to follow the Weight Watchers PointsPlus Plan and commit to being more active - at least 3 times per week. Mark says he's going to work out with great would that be?! I'm considering a BeachBody Shakeology Cleanse to jumpstart my plan...will fill you in on this later!